
Preaching with Convicting Grace

We rarely think of conviction as grace. We think of conviction as truth telling and grace as mercy giving. We act as though truth and grace are two different things. I rather think that any truth that is not full of grace is not truth at all. God is truth, and God is love. They […]


Prevenient Grace and Preaching

Wesleyans believe in a God who goes before us in all things. We see God in all things, for we believe by faith that God’s spirit goes before us not only geographically, but in every way. The way is prepared for us so that “no temptation faces us except that which is common, and God […]


Preaching a Narrative Sermon | by Dr. Dave Ward

Two weeks ago we read a challenge by one of our pastors and seminary students to make Easter more exciting than the Superbowl. I do not think that preaching alone can accomplish that goal by any means. I do think, though, that preaching needs to be a part of it. The problem? Most of our […]


Power for Preaching

I want to write on a topic which initially may appear to be unrelated to preaching, yet for some may have significant implications to their sermons. Here is what I am sensing in a nutshell: I fear we engage too quickly in ‘mission and calling,’ without first having a transformation of heart, developing true substance […]


Focus Your Sermon in a Word

Since leaving the pastorate in 2005 to become the Program Director of Pastoral Ministries and Church Planting at Kingswood University, I and my family have taken full advantage of the opportunity to visit dozens and dozens of churches in the U.S., Canada and internationally, ranging from mega-churches to the tiniest of congregations, including Wesleyan, Pentecostal, […]