
Are You Burning Out Preacher?

We have been talking to a lot of pastors about burn out. We even helped launch a conference called “Flourish” last year to address clergy well being and flourishing. In coming weeks, we will focus on burnout from multiple directions. First, we will hear a few sermons that seek to address the root of burnout. […]


Honest Preaching

Redundancy is, as defined by, “superfluous repetition or overlapping, especially of words.” © 2009 Danielle Scott, Flickr | CC-BY-SA | via Wylio Honest preaching, is, well, redundant. Aren’t we, as preachers, supposed to be honest? Isn’t truth-telling inherent within the very nature of Biblical proclamation? Can you stay in ministry and be effective long […]


The Value of a Good Story

Nothing like a 16-hour car ride to bring people closer together.  My husband and I served as house parents for our daughter’s and her six best friends’ senior spring break this past week.  The week concluded with a 16-hour car ride home.  After a week of constant togetherness you would think these girls would have […]


Dreamers like Daniel | Pastor Eric Dubach

SERMON: “Dreamers like Daniel” audio | video Originally preached by Pastor Eric Dubach, Fountain City Wesleyan Church, January 26, 2014 Pastor Eric began as the Young Adult Pastor at Fountain City Wesleyan Church.  He then moved to becoming the Campus Pastor for The Well, a satellite campus for FCWC. He is married to Heather with two […]


Plagiarism and Preaching (Panel Discussion)

We have received a wide variety of responses from Wesleyan ministers and people outside the Wesleyan church in response to our series on plagiarism. Ministers have said everything from “Why is this such a big deal right now? I for one have never struggled with this” to “I am so glad you are dealing with […]


SERMON: Catching Fire – The Spark | Pastor Kyle Ray

Pastor Kyle Ray is the lead pastor of Kentwood Community Church, a church of about 2,800 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Though there are lots of reasons to highlight sermon videos. You may have noticed we try to share some of the things that draw each sermon to our attention. Hopefully this helps Wesleyan Preachers listen […]


Quoting and Citing with Ease

Referencing sources verbally in sermons is actually easier than you might think. Often pastors slip into the plagiarism of preaching realm because they feel like referencing sources makes their sermon sound like a paper. You do not have to sound as though you are giving a presentation in a freshmen speech class to cover your […]


Preaching and Plagiarism

How much copying is too much? When does inspiration by others turn into stealing other’s intellectual property? If a sermon is inspired by God, can a preacher own it? If we get a spark of an idea from another preacher, can we use it without mentioning them? Or does the barest mention of someone else’s […]


SERMON: Wonderland (Week 2) | Rev. Tim Guptill

“Wonderland” is Moncton Wesleyan Church’s 2013 Advent series. You may wonder why we would present Advent messages to you after Advent is done adventing. Well, we hope that we give you resources that spark your thinking for the coming year. We do not want to give you resources you copy and plagiarize for the next […]


Serious Fiction and Good Preaching

A friend of mine teaches an entire class on reading for the sake of preaching. Reading great literature has always been a way to help foundering preachers find their footing with words. Recently a set of controlled studies intimated that people who read “serious fiction” have a higher emotional intelligence than the average population. People […]