Articles General

Fresh Brew: Deductive Preaching


Grace Focused Wesleyan Preaching | Mark Schnell

Wesleyans are doers. We always have been, starting with John Wesley himself. The whole of his life’s work staggers the mind. Wesleyans have followed his example through history. In the years since Wesley there have been revivals to preach, churches to plant, missions to open and always more work to be done. Yes, Wesleyans are […]

Articles General

Fresh Brew: Inductive Preaching


Sermon: The Call | Amber Livermore

Preacher: Amber Livermore Sermon Title: The Call Direct-link to sermon video Amber Livermore is the lead pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in Princeton, Indiana. This sermon, however, was given as a part of Brookhaven Wesleyan’s “On Mission” series, where she spoke about the call of God on our lives. Below are some of her preaching […]

Articles General

Fresh Brew: Process Monitoring


Sermon: Impoverished: Divine Intelligence | Craig Rees

Preacher: Craig Rees Sermon Title: Divine Intelligence (link to video) Craig Rees is the lead pastor at Central Wesleyan Church. In a series called Impoverished (their Lent series), he speaks about Divine Intelligence as the intelligence of God beyond human understanding, and yet given to us by God. Craig is a great communicator. Here are […]


Preaching and the Ministry of Remembrance | Mark Schnell

“So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.  I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, because I know that I will soon put it aside, as […]


Sermon: Every Day Matters | Ken Nash

Preacher: Ken Nash Sermon Title: Own Your Story Original Sermon Link: It is difficult to talk about pain well, much less preach about it. Hamburg Wesleyan’s relatively new lead pastor, Ken Nash, navigates this sermon with grace placing it within a larger context of the series “Every Day Matters.” Mixing video, social media, live […]


Fresh Brew: Studying Yourself and Others


Preaching Good Grief

Preaching is powerful. It reaches into our souls and speaks to every human emotion when it is going well. Though this will not be true of every preaching ministry some preachers avoid touching on grief and despair except for in funeral sermons. Perhaps this is because the preacher faces enough grief and despair week to […]