
I Am A Branch | Rev. Arlie Davis

davis_arlieWe are continuing our focus on burnout for pastors by posting sermons we hope pastors will overhear even though they are sermons preached for congregations. These are sermons by Wesleyan pastors that we believe help get at the root of the causes of burnout if we have ears to hear.

Fruitful VineThis sermon by senior pastor Arlie Davis from Milton Wesleyan Church, focuses on John 15, the famous vine and branches passage. We love that Pastor Davis presents an expositional message. We love that he had the courage to take on a famous, well known, and well worn passage to pull out new thoughts. We also love the idea of including extra material in a handout that cannot make it into the sermon. Yet none of those reasons are the reasons we are posting this sermon. We are posting this sermon because of the content.

Sometime between now and when you sign off of looking at this sermon we ask you to do two things:

1) Ask God to show you something new about being a branch on God’s vine that you haven’t realized before.

2) Ask God to show you how remembering you are a branch might help you avoid burnout in your ongoing ministry this year and in years to come.

Who Am I? Part 5: I Am a Branch from CWC Milton on Vimeo.

~ David Ward and the Wesleyan Sermons team